Items below are available for purchase as a single unit at World of Plaster Equipment.
For more information, pricing or to inquire about quantity and other available sizes/items for sale,
contact us at (909) 355-0999

1/2 x 15" Hard Scratchers

14" Plaster Scarifier

Go-Devil Aluminum Hand Scraper 22"x8"

Go-Devil Aluminum Hand Scraper 22"x10"

Marshalltown DuraSoft
Finishing Trowel

Pointing Trowel
*Available Sizes: 13x5, 14x5, 16x5*

Finishing Trowel

Marshalltown Swimming Pool Trowel
Taping/Joint Knifes

8" x 3" Taping Knife

12" x 3" Taping Knife

10" x 3" Taping Knife

6" Joint Knife

5" Joint Knife
Other Tools

*Available in Red, Green, and Brown*

Vaughan UltraLite Hatchet

Stainless Steel Inside Corner

Wall Scraper

5-in-1 Tool

Vaughan 28oz. Hammer

2" Stainless Steel Inside Corner

Wall Scraper - 22"

Curved Blade - 42"